buy firearms online review

While you can buy a firearm online, you cannot have it delivered directly to your firearms online review

The Gun Act of 1968 was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson and it prohibited the direct mailing of any firearms to individuals. It not only banned mail-order sales of shotguns and rifles (antique guns were an exception), but it also prohibited convicted felons, drug users, and the mentally incompetent from using guns.

antique pistol

Antique guns were an exception to the banning of interstate shipments of firearms and ammo by the Gun Act of 1968.

Today, individuals still cannot have guns delivered directly to their homes, but they can purchase other guns online, but with certain regulations.

However, while you can buy guns online today, it’s not necessarily easier than buying one in person. As a matter of fact, considering the extra time you have to wait to get a gun, some would say that it’s actually more work to buy one online. But, we’ll get to some of the reasons why you might want to consider buying a gun online.